

Broń dla petów w L2

Name Grade + Worn
Alya Fang None RH 12 13
Antiplague None RH 17 21
Assult Alicorn None RH 21 27
Crimson Blood Fang None RH 23 30
Crystalized Ice Canine None RH 69 50
Diabolic Grinder None RH 27 37
Diamond Drill None RH 27 37
Draconic Chopper None RH 25 34
Draconic Slicer None RH 23 30
Drake Horn None RH 19 24
Enchanted Cerberus Fang None RH 413 5
Enchanted Coyote Fang None RH 289 5
Enchanted Fenril Fang None RH 537 5
Enchanted Saltydog Fang None RH 350 5
Enchanted Wolf Fang None RH 233 5
Fang of Cerberus None RH 49 36
Fang of Coyote None RH 58 42
Fang of Dahak None RH 21 27
Fang of Fenril None RH 93 66
Fang of Saltydog None RH 40 30
Fang of the Blue Wolf None RH 80 58
Ghost Canine None RH 11 10
Iron Canine None RH 4 5
Mithril Canine None RH 16 14
Ohpdian Lance None RH 25 34
Orichalcum Fang None RH 477 5
Orikarukon Canine None RH 31 24
Serpent Fang None RH 8 7
Serpentine Grinder None RH 19 24
Serpentine Spike None RH 17 21
Shadow Fang None RH 10 11
Shining Canine None RH 7 8
Sylvan Canine None RH 23 18
Torturer None RH 13 16
Unuk Alhay Fang None RH 15 18
Viperbite None RH 9 10

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