

Sety zbroje D grade

Ciężkie Zbroje

Nazwa Level Bonus
Mithril Set Mithril Breastplate 20 Poison Resistance +20%

With a Hoplon, HP +126

Mithril Gaiters 20
Helmet 20
Hoplon 20
Brigandine Set Brigandine Tunic 20 P. Def. +5%

HP +153

With a Brigandine Shield, HP +20

Brigandine Gaiters 20
Brigandine Helmet 20
Brigandine Shield 20

Lekkie Zbroje

Nazwa Level Bonus
Reinforced Leather Set Reinforced Leather Shirt 20 MP +80
Reinforced Leather Gaiters 20
Reinforced Leather Boots 20
Manticore Skin Set Manticore Skin Shirt 20

MP +92

Manticore Skin Gaiters 20
Manticore Skin Boots 20

Magiczne Zbroje

Nazwa Level Bonus
Knowledge Set Tunic of Knowledge 20 M. Atk. +10%

MP Regeneration -5%

Stockings of Knowledge 20
Gloves of Knowledge 20
Elven Mithril Set Mithril Tunic 20 Speed +7

WIT +1

INT -1

Mithril Stockings 20
Elven Mithril Gloves 20

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