

Kolczyki w Lineage 2

Name Grade + M. Def. Weight
Vesper Earring S84 94 150
Sealed Vesper Earring S84 83 150
Baylor’s Earring S80 71 150
Dynasty Earring S80 90 150
Dynasty Earrings S80 90 150
Sealed Dynasty Earring S80 79 150
Sealed Dynasty Earring S80 79 150
Common Item – Sealed
Tateossian Earring
S 68 150
Common Item – Tateossian
S 71 150
Earring of Antharas S 71 150
Sealed Tateossian Earring S 68 150
Sealed Tateossian Earring S 68 150
Tateossian Earring S 71 150
Tateossian Earring S 71 150
Zaken’s Earring S 71 150
Common Item – Majestic
A 63 150
Common Item – Phoenix
A 60 150
Common Item – Sealed
Majestic Earring
A 60 150
Common Item – Sealed
Phoenix Earring
A 57 150
Earring of Orfen A 71 150
Majestic Earring A 63 150
Phoenix Earring A 60 150
Sealed Majestic Earring A 60 150
Sealed Majestic Earring A 60 150
Sealed Phoenix Earring A 57 150
Sealed Phoenix Earring A 57 150
Adamantite Earring B 51 150
Adamantite Earring B 51 150
Common Item – Adamantite
B 51 150
Common Item – Earring of
Black Ore
B 54 150
Earring of Black Ore B 54 150
Earring of Black Ore B 54 150
Common Item – Earring of
C 45 150
Common Item – Earring of
C 42 150
Common Item – Moonstone
C 39 150
Common Item – Nassen’s
C 48 150
Earring of Binding C 45 150
Earring of Protection C 42 150
Moonstone Earring C 39 150
Nassen’s Earring C 48 150
Common Item – Elven
D 34 150
Common Item – Enchanted
D 27 150
Common Item – Omen Beast’s
D 36 150
Common Item – Red Crescent D 24 150
Common Item – Tiger’s Eye D 30 150
Elven Earring D 34 150
Enchanted Earring D 27 150
Omen Beast’s Eye Earring D 36 150
Red Crescent Earring D 24 150
Shadow Item – Red Crescent D 24 150
Tiger’s Eye Earring D 30 150
Apprentice’s Earring None 11 150
Cat’s Eye Earring None 19 150
Coral Earring None 21 150
Earring of Strength None 16 150
Earring of Wisdom None 16 150
Mystic’s Earring None 13 150

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