Name | Grade + | M. Def. | Weight | ||||||||
Vesper Necklace | S84 | 125 | 150 | ||||||||
Sealed Vesper Necklace | S84 | 110 | 150 | ||||||||
Dynasty Necklace | S80 | 120 | 150 | ||||||||
Dynasty Necklace | S80 | 120 | 150 | ||||||||
Sealed Dynasty Necklace | S80 | 106 | 150 | ||||||||
Sealed Dynasty Necklace | S80 | 106 | 150 | ||||||||
Common Item – Sealed Tateossian Necklace |
S | 91 | 150 | ||||||||
Common Item – Tateossian Necklace |
S | 95 | 150 | ||||||||
Necklace of Valakas | S | 95 | 150 | ||||||||
Sealed Tateossian Necklace | S | 91 | 150 | ||||||||
Sealed Tateossian Necklace | S | 91 | 150 | ||||||||
Tateossian Necklace | S | 95 | 150 | ||||||||
Tateossian Necklace | S | 95 | 150 | ||||||||
Common Item – Majestic Necklace |
A | 85 | 150 | ||||||||
Common Item – Phoenix Necklace |
A | 80 | 150 | ||||||||
Common Item – Sealed Majestic Necklace |
A | 80 | 150 | ||||||||
Common Item – Sealed Phoenix Necklace |
A | 76 | 150 | ||||||||
Frintezza’s Necklace | A | 95 | 150 | ||||||||
Majestic Necklace | A | 85 | 150 | ||||||||
Phoenix Necklace | A | 80 | 150 | ||||||||
Sealed Majestic Necklace | A | 80 | 150 | ||||||||
Sealed Majestic Necklace | A | 80 | 150 | ||||||||
Sealed Phoenix Necklace | A | 76 | 150 | ||||||||
Sealed Phoenix Necklace | A | 76 | 150 | ||||||||
Adamantite Necklace | B | 68 | 150 | ||||||||
Adamantite Necklace | B | 68 | 150 | ||||||||
Common Item – Adamantite Necklace |
B | 68 | 150 | ||||||||
Common Item – Necklace of Black Ore |
B | 72 | 150 | ||||||||
Necklace of Black Ore | B | 72 | 150 | ||||||||
Necklace of Black Ore | B | 72 | 150 | ||||||||
Necklace of Grace | B | 68 | 150 | ||||||||
Aquastone Necklace | C | 52 | 150 | ||||||||
Common Item – Aquastone Necklace |
C | 52 | 150 | ||||||||
Common Item – Mermaid Teardrop |
C | 60 | 150 | ||||||||
Common Item – Necklace of Binding |
C | 64 | 150 | ||||||||
Common Item – Necklace of Protection |
C | 56 | 150 | ||||||||
Necklace of Binding | C | 64 | 150 | ||||||||
Necklace of Mermaid | C | 60 | 150 | ||||||||
Necklace of Protection | C | 56 | 150 | ||||||||
Common Item – Elven Necklace |
D | 45 | 150 | ||||||||
Common Item – Enchanted Necklace |
D | 36 | 150 | ||||||||
Common Item – Near Forest Necklace |
D | 40 | 150 | ||||||||
Common Item – Necklace of Darkness |
D | 48 | 150 | ||||||||
Common Item – Necklace of Devotion |
D | 32 | 150 | ||||||||
Elven Necklace | D | 45 | 150 | ||||||||
Enchanted Necklace | D | 36 | 150 | ||||||||
Near Forest Necklace | D | 40 | 150 | ||||||||
Necklace of Darkness | D | 48 | 150 | ||||||||
Necklace of Devotion | D | 32 | 150 | ||||||||
Shadow Item – Necklace of Devotion |
D | 32 | 150 | ||||||||
Blue Diamond Necklace | None | 28 | 150 | ||||||||
Necklace of Anguish | None | 21 | 150 | ||||||||
Necklace of Knowledge | None | 18 | 150 | ||||||||
Necklace of Magic | None | 15 | 150 | ||||||||
Necklace of Wisdom | None | 25 | 150 |
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