

Pierścienie w Lineage 2

Name Grade + M. Def. Weight
Sealed Vesper Ring S84 62 150
Sealed Vesper Ring S84 55 150
Dynasty Ring S80 60 150
Dynasty Ring S80 60 150
Sealed Dynasty Ring S80 53 150
Sealed Dynasty Ring S80 53 150
Beleth’s Ring S 48 150
Common Item – Sealed
Tateossian Ring
S 46 150
Common Item – Tateossian
S 48 150
Ring of Baium S 48 150
Sealed Tateossian Ring S 46 150
Sealed Tateossian Ring S 46 150
Tateossian Ring S 48 150
Tateossian Ring S 48 150
Common Item – Majestic
A 42 150
Common Item – Phoenix Ring A 40 150
Common Item – Sealed
Majestic Ring
A 40 150
Common Item – Sealed
Phoenix Ring
A 38 150
Majestic Ring A 42 150
Phoenix Ring A 40 150
Ring of Core A 48 150
Sealed Majestic Ring A 40 150
Sealed Majestic Ring A 40 150
Sealed Phoenix Ring A 38 150
Sealed Phoenix Ring A 38 150
Adamantite Ring B 34 150
Adamantite Ring B 34 150
Common Item – Adamantite
B 34 150
Common Item – Ring of
Black Ore
B 36 150
Ring of Black Ore B 36 150
Ring of Black Ore B 36 150
Ring of Queen Ant B 48 150
Ring of Wind Mastery B 36 150
Aquastone Ring C 26 150
Common Item – Aquastone
C 26 150
Common Item – Ring of Ages C 30 150
Common Item – Ring of
C 32 150
Common Item – Ring of
C 28 150
Ring of Ages C 30 150
Ring of Binding C 32 150
Ring of Protection C 28 150
Black Pearl Ring D 20 150
Common Item – Black Pearl
D 20 150
Common Item – Elven Ring D 22 150
Common Item – Enchanted
D 18 150
Common Item – Mithril Ring D 24 150
Common Item – Ring of
D 16 150
Elven Ring D 22 150
Enchanted Ring D 18 150
Mithril Ring D 24 150
Ring of Devotion D 16 150
Shadow Item – Ring of
D 16 150
Blessed Ring of Escape None 0 150
Blessed Ring of
None 0 150
Blue Coral Ring None 14 150
Magic Ring None 7 150
Quiet Footsteps Ring None 0 150
Ring of Anguish None 11 150
Ring of Firefly None 11 150
Ring of Knowledge None 9 150
Ring of Raccoon None 11 150
Ring of Wisdom None 12 150
Weight Loss Ring None 14 150

Jeden komentarz do wpisu “Pierścienie w Lineage 2”


09 września 2011, godzina: 00:23
lineage 2 polska, komentarz

może by tak dodać opis do epiców bo nie tylko mdef dodają

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