

Sety zbroje R99 grade


Nazwa Bonus
Eternal – Attack Type

Heavy Armor Set

Eternal Breastplate Description: P. Critical Damage decreases and P. Def. additionally increases when enchanted to +4.
2 Parts: STR +3, CON -1
3 Parts: Critical Damage + 298, Resistance to Hold + 10
4 Parts: HP + 521, Chance of absorbing 2% of damage
5 Parts: P. Atk. + 246, Resistance to attributes + 15, P. Def. additional + 7%
Eternal Gaiters
Eternal Helmet
Eternal Gauntlets
Eternal Boots
Eternal Shield
Nazwa Bonus
Eternal – Defence Type

Heavy Armor Set

Eternal Breastplate Description: P. Critical Damage decreases and P. Def. additionally increases when enchanted to +4.
2 Parts: CON +3, STR -1, HP + 521
3 Parts: Critical received – 3.3%, Resistance to shock + 10
4 Parts: Received heal amount + 108, M. Def. + 54
5 Parts: P. Def. + 103, Resistance to attributes + 15, P. Def. additional + 7%
Eternal Gaiters
Eternal Helmet
Eternal Gauntlets
Eternal Boots
Eternal Shield
Nazwa Bonus
Eternal – Assassin Type

Light Armor Set

Eternal Leather Armor Description: Increases evasion, decreases P. Critical Rate when attacked, and increases P. Def. when enchanted to +4.
2 Parts: DEX +3, STR -1
3 Parts: Evasion + 2.3, Resistance to Sleep + 10
4 Parts: Skill MP consumption – 4%, Chance of absorbing 2% of damage
5 Parts: Critical Rate + 3.3%, Resistance to attributes + 15, Atk. Spd. + 3%, P. Atk. additional + 7%7%
Eternal Leather Leggings
Eternal Leather Helmet
Eternal Leather Gloves
Eternal Leather Boots
Nazwa Bonus
Eternal – Enhance Type

Light Armor Set

Eternal Leather Armor Description: Increases evasion, decreases P. Critical Rate when attacked, and increases P. Def. when enchanted to +4.
2 Parts: STR +3, CON -1, P. Atk. + 246
3 Parts: skill MP consumption – 4%, resistance to hold + 10
4 Parts: Skill P. Atk. + 6%, HP + 521
5 Parts: P. Atk. Spd. + 3%, resistance to attributes + 15, P. Atk. additional + 7%
Eternal Leather Leggings
Eternal Leather Helmet
Eternal Leather Gloves
Eternal Leather Boots
Nazwa Bonus
Eternal – Magic Type

Robe Set

Eternal Tunic Description: Increases magic evasion and resistance to mind attributes when enchanted to +4.
2 Parts: INT +3, MEN -1, Casting Spd. + 3%
3 Parts: MP + 228, Resistance to Sleep + 10
4 Parts: M. Atk. + 256, Magic Critical damage + 297
5 Parts: M. Critical Rate + 3%, Resistance to attributes + 15, Casting Spd. additional + 12%, M. Atk. additional + 15%
Eternal Stockings
Eternal Circlet
Eternal Gloves
Eternal Shoes
Nazwa Bonus
Eternal – Recovery Type

Robe Set

Eternal Tunic Description: Increases magic evasion and resistance to mind attributes when enchanted to +4.
2 Parts: WIT +3, MEN -1, Casting Spd. + 3%
3 Parts: MP + 228, Resistance to Shock + 10
4 Parts: MP Recovery + 0.9, mental attack bonus + 15
5 Parts: Heal Amount + 108, Resistance to attributes + 15, Casting Spd. additional + 12%, M. Atk. additional + 15%
Eternal Stockings
Eternal Circlet
Eternal Gloves
Eternal Shoes

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